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BalticLegal Offline

Beiträge: 14

19.12.2022 13:01
Work in Germany Antworten

As of now, there are approximately 1 375 110 vacancies available in Germany. That is 3.3% of all the job positions, both occupied and vacant, in the country.

Wages and expenses
In Germany the minimum wage is EUR 1599, while the average salary is EUR 3997.

A single person in Germany spends an average of EUR 766 per month, not including rent.

The standard workweek in Germany is 8 hours a day or 40 hours a week.

Useful resources
If you are planning to work in Germany, it is useful to know the following information and contacts of organizations.

Work permit services
If you are interested in working in Germany, you need to obtain a work permit and a residence permit (which in some cases are obtained simultaneously). For this you can use the help of our legal team - we provide consultations, find the best solutions to your unique case and deliver legal assisstance of all kinds. So contact us by using the form on the upper right side of the page, and start a journey to your dream job in Germany.

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